How It All Began
Delta Service Through Detroit Foundation, Incorporated, (DSTDFI) is an IRS Tax Exempt 501C3 organization established in 1999 for the purpose of engaging in public service programs which promote and encourage high intellectual, cultural, and moral standards among residents of the Detroit community with an emphasis on activities for youth, senior citizens and the homeless.
To date, the Foundation has executed many community programs, the majority of which were supported by grants. As part of the focus on youth we sponsored a program entitled, “Healthy Kid, Balancing Your Life” where children were introduced to healthy snacks, productive exercises and activities and nutritional information. The grant funds for this activity were secured from the Community Foundation of Southeastern Michigan.
We also provided a ‘training for trainers’ where identified community leaders were given information to share with their constituencies regarding the epidemic of HIV/AIDS that has greatly impacted the Detroit community. These leaders were instructed to share the information they were given and have their members return cards that indicated the number of additional individuals they trained. The goal was to reach and teach as many as possible with life saving information.
In addition an all day workshop for churches and faith-based organizations was held at Wayne County Community College District, Westside Campus, to instruct the organizations on the process to secure money for AIDS education in their respective churches and sites.
The Foundation received a $7,000 (seven thousand dollar) grant from the Michigan Women’s Foundation-Young Women for Change entitled, Career Empowerment for Young Women through Arts and Cultural Awareness. The goal was to increase exposure to the arts and raise the level of cultural awareness for young women ages 14-17. The young women were provided additional art instruction from professional artists in the Detroit area as well as field trips to local museums.
Free safety seats were provided to youngsters in conjunction with GM at Wayne County Community College, Western Campus during the ‘Safe Kids Safety Seat Event’.
A short list of past recipients of Grants from the Foundation: Federation of Youth Services, Detroit Public Schools Sports Program, My Sister’s Place, Detroit Area Agency on Aging: Meals on Wheels Program and Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Serenity Services, Boys and Girls Club of Metropolitan Detroit, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Detroit Alumnae Chapter and Interim House of the YWCA.
Donations totaling over 50 thousand dollars have been distributed in the Detroit community through programming efforts of DSTDFI.
The heart of our foundation is
serving the Detroit area community.
Contributed free safety seats in conjunction with GM at Wayne County Community College during the "Safe Kids Safety Seat Event."
Offered art instruction and cultural trips for young women ages 14-17 to increase exposure to the arts and raise cultural awareness.
Introduced outreach projects such as, HIV Awareness for Women over 50, Library Books for Homeless Shelters, Faith-based Writing Seminar.
Hosted a workshop at Wayne County Community College District, to help churches and organizations secure AIDS donations.
Hosted Capital Campaign Donor Appreciation Celebration - October 2011
Co-sponsored a "Back to School Extravaganza" to aid students with school supplies and resources with CCC Because We Care Foundation.
Provided a "Training for Trainers" seminar for identified Detroit community leaders regarding the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Sponsored a children's program entitled, “Healthy Kid, Balancing Your Life" that introduced a healthy lifestyle action plan.
Delta Service Through Detroit Foundation, Inc. was established to promote educational, historical, cultural, and scholarship programs.